
Full EPOS Integration


The modern EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) is not just about executing payment, managing inventory, and keeping records. It’s for business management and providing a point of customer service.

Paynetworx partners with five EPOS hardware suppliers and two EPOS software suppliers. We offer full EPOS solutions including integration with your payment gateway.

Our EPOS solutions have the latest technology to enable business growth. Our EPOS comes in three different packages:

Our EPOS Packages


Entry level EPOS solution for small businesses to take you beyond just taking card payments. Suitable for businesses that don’t record stock levels and have a small number of products.

For example: coffee vans, trades people, mobile hairdressers & barbers.

Easy to upgrade to silver or gold.


“Standard” EPOS offering for retail and basic hospitality such as cafes.

Includes everything needed to manage your business.

Easy to upgrade to gold


Full top tier EPOS solution for any business type.

Includes everything needed to fully manage your business.


Our EPOS hardware includes:

✓ Desktop or handheld EPOS units

✓ Barcode scanners

✓ Cash drawers

✓ Receipt & Kitchen / Order printers

EPOS & Terminal Integration

✓ Payment terminal – Pax A920 or Castles Saturn 1000
✓ Payment gateway (if applicable)
✓ Acquirer / Merchant services

Both the Pax A920 and Castles Saturn 1000 can integrate all features from an EPOS till. As the terminals are powered by Android, the EPOS system integrates with the payment terminal to create a full solution.

The optional docking station can be used to create a bigger screen for the till. There is no need for an EPOS till and receipt printer. Cash drawers are optional if you choose to accept cash.

EPOS software is one license per EPOS device (desktop or handheld) and sold as a service with a monthly or annual charge per licence.

EPOS Machine a920

Business management & payments – as one solution

Trade, manage & report

✓ Simple set-up & cost effective

✓ Take card & cash payments

✓ Manage your products & stock levels

✓ Get business reports from anywhere

✓ Grow and innovate

✓ Maximise profit

Business management & payments – as one solution

Field Service

Field sales, home party sellers, door-to-door sellers, fee collection, mobile payment

Leisure & Tourism

Theme parks, soft play centre, ice cream kiosk, zoo, gift shops, holiday parks, local attractions

Local Government

Museum, library, cafeteria, payment office, tourist information centre, park, mobile officer, enforcement officer

Health & Beauty

Salon, barber, nail bar, spa, beautician, tanning centre, mobile hairdresser, tattoo parlour, chiropractor.


Restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, bar, pub, night cub, takeaway, food truck, kiosk, mixed estates


Clothing, convenience, toy shop, shoe shop, vape store, garden centres, bakery.

Is EPOS right for me?

If you’re a business… that’s just starting

With our EPOS solutions, start your business on the right foot with a system that expands with your needs. Reduce the stress of starting a business with a feature rich system that provides extensive data and insights.

If you’re a business… currently using an Electronic Cash Register (ECR)

Don’t worry, a large majority of merchants who come to EPOS are existing ECR users. Our EPOS solutions have many efficiencies that make running your business more simple.

If you’re a business… currently using another EPOS system
Are you fed up with poor support? Quite often, our merchants switch to our EPOS solution as they have an expensive, outdated, and poorly supported EPOS systems. They know how to use EPOS, but they want something more modern, with the support that should come with it.

EPOS Testimonial

“First class service. Paynetworx has been great. David has been great. Whenever I need help, he’s here to help me. I’m happy with the deal I got. The service is really great. I have the full EPOS system including integration with card machines. It’s all easy to use. David even helps me make changes if I need them – he’s very patient.”

Kasha Bar, Eping
secure card payments

Why choose Paynetworx EPOS solution?

✓ Specifically designed for ease of use
✓ Simple, fast & easy to operate
✓ Installed and configured by Paynetworx
✓ Securely hosted in the UK
✓ Operates offline
✓ Less stock takes
✓ Quicker cashing up
✓ Integrated payment increases accuracy and transaction time
✓ Centrally manage thousands of products
✓ Centrally configured, changed pulled down
✓ Centralised reporting, no need for the calculator and lots of paper

Ready to explore EPOS with Paynetworx?

Contact us today on


  • Simple EPOS functionality – intuitive design with all the functions you need just a tap away
  • Integrated card payments – automatic transfer of total to card machine
  • Cash management – record and control cash payments with end day reconciliation
  • Barcode scanning – scan barcoded items for efficient service
  • Product management – create and manage your product, services, and taxes instantly
  • Reports – instant access to sales and product reports on device and online
  • Unlimited users – unlimited till and web portal users
  • Supervisor approval – enforce supervisor approval for specific functionality
  • Web portal – free web portal providing central reports and management
  • Offline capable – keep selling even if the internet is down
  • Secure cloud backups – all data is backed up to our secure servers
  • Free updates – subscribing merchants receive free product updates


Includes bronze +
  • Stock management – automated inventory control and reporting
  • Measured products – sell products by weight or length
  • Supplier management to centrally manage and report on suppliers
  • Stock containers – manage liquid stock and sell pints from barrels etc
  • Multiple stores – view, manage and support on all stores centrally
  • Import & export data – manage products, suppliers, customers and more in bulk
  • Fixed discounts – create pre-configured discounts for items or whole transactions
  • Secondary printer – operate a second printer to print order receipts
  • Configurable reasons – understand what has happened and why with configurable reasons
  • Enterprise class support – receive first-class support from our dedicated team
  • Enhanced reports – comprehensive reporting allowing you to fully manage your business
  • Age verification – setup age restricted items for both customers and clerks


Includes Bronze & Silver +
  • Customer management – full CRM module to create and manage customers
  • Appointments – create and manage customer appointments
  • Multiple printers – operate multiple order printers for different stations
  • Modifiers – use product and list modifiers to alter an order before its printed
  • Text reminders – operate multiple order printers for different stations
  • Commission – assign product and user level commission rates
  • Tab management – suspend and resume transactions in store
  • Time keeping – reportable clocking in / out for all staff members