
Desk 5000 Swipe Sale

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Follow the steps below to conduct a Desk 5000 Swipe Sale.

1. Select SALE from the transaction menu.

main menu screen for desk 5000 terminal

2. Insert/Swipe screen is shown.

sale screen ready to swipe card desk 5000

3. Once the card has been read by the Terminal, the sale screen is shown. Enter the sale amount and press the green key.

enter sale amount for swipe card sale

4. Terminal connects to the acquirer.

connecting for swipe card sale

5. Auth code is returned by the acquirer.

successful sale shown on desk 5000 screen

6. The merchant copy of the receipt is printed for the cardholder to sign.

merchant copy of receipt is printing

7. If the signature on the card matches the one provided on the receipt, press the green key.

question to ask if signature is ok

8. Terminal will print the customer receipt.

customer receipt printing for swipe card sale

9. The Terminal returns to the Ready screen.

terminal returns to ready screen

You have now completed a Desk 5000 Swipe Sale. For more articles on how to use your Desk 5000, click here.