
Generating an X or Z Report

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These reports allow you to print out a statement of which transactions have been made on your card machine regardless of your End of Day report being run or not.

This feature is typically used by businesses that operate by shift work. E.g. you may be a restaurant that opens for a separate lunch and dinner sitting and want to know how much is taken in each sitting.

X Report – ‘Mid shift’
The X report is intended to be mid-shift snapshot of what has transacted on the card machine from the beginning of the shift until the present moment.

  • Prints out every transaction that has or hasn’t been batched.
  • The totals will remain on the card machine.

Z Report – ‘End shift’
The Z report is intended to be an overview of the card machine’s entire shift from open to close.

  • Prints out every transaction that has or hasn’t been batched.
  • The totals on the card machine will be reset to zero.

Note: This will not remove the totals from the End of Day report. For both X & Z reports you will still need to run your End of Day report to receive your funds. 

Your card machine will not be pre-programmed with this function but can be requested by contacting our Customer Support team.