
Reviewing Transactions/Reprinting a Receipt

The Vega 3000 family of terminals maintain a Batch record of all transaction information since the last successful Settlement was performed. It is possible to review the Batch, find the appropriate transaction and, if required, reprint the receipt.   Step 1 Press the ‘MAIN MENU’ key, select ‘BATCH’ from the Report and Terminal menu and […]

Reviewing Transactions/Reprinting a Receipt

The Vega 3000 family of terminals maintain a Batch record of all transaction information since the last successful Settlement was performed. It is possible to review the Batch, find the appropriate transaction and, if required, reprint the receipt.   Step 1 Press the ‘MAIN MENU’ key, select ‘BATCH’ from the Report and Terminal menu and […]

Network Setup

Press MENU until the ‘Application Menu’ is displayed. 1. Select ‘Network Setup’ in the menu and then press TICK. 2. Enter your ‘Supervisor Code’ and then press TICK. Use CLEAR or X to correct mistakes. 3. Select ‘Network Manager’ and then press TICK. 4. Choose one of the following options from the screen below: Press […]

Functions and Function Codes

There may be occasions when you have further requirements of your terminal. These can be met using Function Codes. Function Codes other than the following should only be used on the advice of the Helpdesk. Entering the Supervisor Code You will be asked on occasions to enter your ‘Supervisor Code’, the following screens will be […]

Waiter Functions

Function 40 Waiter Setup  A ‘Default Waiter ID’ exists to capture the gratuity amount from each transaction if ‘Gratuity’ is enabled on your terminal. However, you may wish to set up individual ‘Waiter IDs’ to record the amount of gratuity each waiter has accrued. The ‘Waiter Menu’ will allow you to ‘Add, Delete, Print, Change […]

Totals / Reports

To get to the Totals / Reports you need to get to the Application Menu. The Application Menu is where the terminal sub menus are controlled from. Press MENU twice until the Menu is displayed. Reports The terminal can produce a number of reports to aid banking: End of Day Banking – Reconciliation report with the […]

Desk 5000 Contactless Sale

Follow these easy steps to conduct a Desk 5000 Contactless Sale. 1. From the idle screen, enter the amount and press ENTER. 2. Insert / Swipe / Present screen is shown. Present the contactless card. 3. Contactless read is successful when all four status lights are lit and confirmation tone is heard. 4. Terminal connects […]